• Welcome to Mary Elizabeth Homecare Services, Inc.
  • 215-455-4104
  • 9:00am to 5:00pm
  • hr@maryelizabethpa.com
  • 2622 Poplar Street 1st Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19130

Heart-Healthy Foods for the Elderly

The heart is fragile and it becomes more fragile as we get older. Aside from engaging in healthy habits and activities of daily living, it is equally important to eat the right food. The food you eat can help keep your heart healthy and reduce your risk of heart-related diseases.

As a reputable provider of companion care and respite care in Pennsylvania, we have helped many seniors prepare their meals at home. So, allow us to share our knowledge on the best foods that are good for seniors’ hearts. Here are some examples:

  • When talking about heart health, omega-3 fatty acids will usually be on top of the list. Studies show that omega-3 is good for fighting off cardiovascular disease. So, eat more tuna, salmon, sardines, and herring, among others.
  • Fruits such as berries, apples, oranges, pears, and peaches promote heart health. They are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, potassium, fiber, and anti-inflammatory properties. They are also low in fat and cholesterol.
  • Nuts are also highly recommended. Walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, while unsalted almonds are full of unsaturated fats. Low-sodium cashews can also help improve cholesterol levels and lower blood pressure.

Do you need home care services in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania? You may want to consider the services of MARY ELIZABETH Homecare Services, Inc., and trust us with your everyday living needs through our personalized care services. Rest assured that you are in good hands.

If you need home and community support, you may get in touch with us.

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